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Government of Haiti reacts to Trump's statement, summons US official to explain his “sh*thole” comment

After US President Donald Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers who floated restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African nations (members of the Temporary Protected Statusas part of an immigration agreement and reportedly said:
“Why are we having all these people coming from these ‘shithole countries’?
Haiti’s ambassador to the U.S., Ambassador Paul Altidor, on Thursday reportedly condemned the comment directed at his country.
Ambassador Altidor told NBC News political contributor Yamiche Alcindor that Trump’s comments were “based on stereotypes” and the president was either “misinformed” or “miseducated.”
The Ambassador also said Haiti’s government has formerly summoned a US official to explain Trump’s comments to Haiti’s officials. She tweeted:
Government of Haiti summons US official to explain Trump?s ?sh*thole? comment
Government of Haiti summons US official to explain Trump?s ?sh*thole? comment
Members of the Temporary Protected Status are:

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